Late November 2021, the North-East of Scotland had extreme winds of up to 90 mph which came from Storm Arwen. The winds only lasted a day, but because of their ferocity, it left many trees and telegraph poles blown over as if they were matchsticks. Many people were without heat and light for up to 12 days, while SSEN Engineers worked to restore power to towns, villages and rural communities.
The aftermath is something that I have never seen the like before. There was so much destruction.
The photographs I took were from when I visited various woodlands in my surrounding area. Some of the woods I had to clamber over fallen trees to get past. These would normally be clear forest roads.
I did find a swing made on one of the branches, which showed to me that people are making the most of the damage. I suspect that a lot of the fallen trees will be used as fire wood for many years to come.
